Dhakkan interview Industrial Training Report DIESEL LOCO SHED & CARRIAGE WAGON

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An efficient and reliable brake system is needed for stoppage of vehicle in minimum possible distance. The system should be such that vehicle should not experience jerks and should stop smoothly. The railway brake system should have the following features :  Automatic application. The brakes should apply automatically in case of train parting, or failure of power system.  The brakes should apply as fast as possible.  The brake should simultaneously apply on each vehicle of the train.  The brake force should not reduce with passage of time. Indian Railways have employed the following brake systems for its rolling stock : Earlier most of our rolling stock are fitted with AVB (Automatic Vacuum Brake). Air Brakes-Twin-pipe system of air brakes have been used in Mail/Express/Passenger trains and single-pipe system in our freight trains. Air Brakes are also used on the locomotive. All wagons are fitted with hand brakes for stabling. Locomotives and brake van are fitted with hand brakes which can be applied while the train is in motion. All locos are provided with compressor and or exhauster for brake system of loco and other vehicles of the train. A-9 and SA-9 brake valve-In WDM2 loco, by application of A-9 handle simultaneous control of loco & train brakes is done. However, only loco brakes can be applied or released through Independent brake handle SA-9. Dynamic Brake-Some Diesel and Electric locomotives are fitted with dynamic brakes for continuous application on down grades. On down gradient the traction motors are used as generators and thus Kinetic energy of train gets converted to electrical energy creating a retarding or braking effect. Electric energy so produced is fed to resistance grids where the electrical energy is converted to heat energy. This is ideal for controlling the train on Ghat sections or lowering the speed of train, but becomes quite ineffective at low speeds.

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Industrial training at Indian Railway Gorakhpur for mechanical engineering

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This project involves a detailed study on the “BOGIE AND SUSPENSION SYSTEM OF AN ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE (WAP-4)” in Indian Railways. It involves a list of information on the various parts of a conventional type bogie and also the various advantages of different types of suspension and damping systems installed. Detailed explanation of various electrical and controls of the locomotive were described in the report. Various physical testing methods of springs were focused under suspension chapter. This report isn’t just focused on the conventional type loco, but also gives detailed differences observed between the 3-phase bogies from the conventional type loco. In electrified railways, the traction power systems carry power to trains and their reliability is vital to the quality of train services. There are many components in the traction power system, from interface with utility distribution network to contacts with trains, and they are physically located along the rail line. Subject to usage, environment, and ageing conditions of components deteriorate with time. Regular maintenance has to be carried out to restore their conditions and prevent them from failure. However, the decisions on the suitable length of maintenance intervals often lead railway operators to the dilemma of minimizing both risk of failure and operation cost. In the last 20 years, there has been a gigantic acceleration in railway traction development. This has run in parallel with the development of power electronics and microprocessors. What have been the accepted norms for the industry for, sometimes, 80 years, have suddenly been thrown out and replaced by fundamental changes in design, manufacture and operation. Many of these developments are technical and complex. Through this report, we bring to you all the salient features and all important aspects of bogies and suspension system of conventional type Electric Locomotive (WAP-4)

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